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Tuition for lessons will be $120 per month ($30 per lesson) for 4 half an hour lessons. Payment methods may include: Venmo, Check, or Cash. Tuition is due the first week of every month, and an invoice will be sent out after the first lesson.


Make-up Lessons:

Make-up lessons can be scheduled for absent students, provided they give 24-hour prior notice. Refunds can not be given for absent students without notice. If a teacher is ever unable to make it to a lesson, a make-up lesson will be scheduled, or payment for that month will be adjusted accordingly.



Part of being a musician is learning how to perform music. Recitals will be scheduled twice a year (spring and winter) for students to perform a song of their choice. Parents will be notified at least one month in advance. Recitals take place at the Scotsman Center.


Practice Expectations:

Regular practice at home is essential to a student’s progress. Teachers will always encourage students to practice, and help them set weekly practice goals. A good starting goal for practice is 20 minutes per day, 5 days out of the week. Setting aside a specific time each day for practice is a good way to build the habit.



Each student is expected to bring their own instrument to their lesson. Teachers will be able to give recommendations on which size/brand of instrument is right for your student. Other recommended materials may include: a metronome, tuner, capo, and guitar picks. Teachers will provide most sheet music for their students, however, purchasing a lesson book may also be needed depending on the student’s level. In which case, teachers will provide information on which lesson book will best fit the student.


  • Lessons are typically 30 minutes for beginner/intermediate students. As students advance, their teacher may feel it appropriate to move to hour long lessons.

  • Of course, there is really no such thing as too much practice! But a good starting goal for beginners is 20 minutes per day, 5 days out of the week. As students advance, they should plan 30 minutes to an hour of practice each day.

  • Make-up lessons can be scheduled as long as the teacher is given 24-hour notice of the absence. This is considered an excused absence. However, if 24-hour notice is not given, it is considered an unexcused absence and the lesson cannot be refunded. The teacher may decide to do a make-up lesson if their schedule allows, but it is not guaranteed.

  • We always encourage our students to support local music shops when buying an instrument! For beginners, it is recommended to buy an instrument suited for students with no experience (this may mean smaller sizes for younger students). For intermediate/advanced students, it is recommended to try out many instruments before you find the one that fits you best. If you have questions about which type of instrument best suits your level, please feel free to ask your teacher!