Ten Practice Tips for the Beginner Student

If there is one thing you need to know when you start learning an instrument, it’s this: you must practice to get better! But it’s not as simple as picking up your instrument for a set amount of time each day, effective practice requires intention, and a little discipline. Here are ten tips to help you practice:

1. If you practice today, you are more likely to practice tomorrow.

2. Practice after you get home from your lesson, while material is still fresh.

3. Push yourself that extra 10% - 5 minutes longer than you want to (and another 5, and another 5…)

4. You must focus on the most difficult parts, don’t just play through the whole piece and “go through the motions”.

5. Remember that you don’t always see the results of your practice right away - don’t let this frustrate you. It always takes time to get better, and that never changes.

6. When you are going to perform a piece of music for an audience - especially if you’re nervous - let your muscle memory do the work. You have to let it take control so that you don’t overthink, that is when you make mistakes. That’s why you must practice a lot!

7. Time is an investment into the future, the more time you invest into your practice, the more results you will see later on.

8. Practice is not meant to be easy (or always fun)! It is a challenge that you must willingly accept.

9. Warming up is important - remember that the first time you play through a song for the day will not be the best.

10. Mistakes are not only okay, they are absolutely NECESSARY. Your brain learns by making very small corrections over and over again. That is why you must repeat your song so many times before it starts to sound good.